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Create Your Perfect Life Balance So You Can Have The Healthy Relationships & Connections You Deserve.

You are a role model, a mum, a driven woman ready to have it all: a career, a happy balanced home life, an amazing connection with your loved ones...

You want to create a strong stable foundation to feel good about yourself so you can go after your dreams, focus on what's important to you and feel confident & happy in who you are.

But, right now, you feel unseen, unheard, undervalued and uncertain.  Your mental & emotional well-being is chaotic, you are overwhelmed, stressed & burnt-out as you strive for the right balance for your life. 

You feel pulled in a million directions; being mum, career woman, being a reliable friend, giver, comforter, creator, partner.

Battles with your loved ones, the kids, your work and mostly within yourself are draining & exhausting because of the guilty feeling that weighs you down and you don't know what to do or what's the next step...





You're being mum (and everything that comes with it), finding time to connect with your partner, or if single you're attempting to date & nurture relationships & love, trying to be a reliable friend and find time to socialise, building a business & trying to bring your dream life to life, working on your mental-wellbeing so you can be the best role model for your tribe, all while working (1,2 maybe 3 jobs).


You want to balance your time and give yourself in equal parts to everything that's important to you yet you find yourself wearing all the hats and still being confused & uncertain of your ability & self-worth. 


In fact the more you do the more each important area in your life is missing out.  You've started to wonder what's missing.  As the conflict in your interpersonal relationships increases, your energy decreases & giving up has set in.




Let me guess...


You have a strong desire to be the best role model for the important people in your life and want to wake up full of energy & love for your life & the person you are.


Yet you feel stuck in your emotions, feeling emotionally exhausted. Numbing yourself with unhealthy behaviours to shut off from the confusion is your BFF and your worst enemy.


You feel unsure of where to start and question if you're worthy of feeling good and if you're good enough to want more for yourself or if it's possible to look in the mirror and naturally smile back at what you see.


You want to create a life where you are present with your family, have boundaries that work for you and have a strong stable foundation for your well-being (mentally, physically & emotionally).


If you're tired of letting the overwhelm, the chaos & the unworthiness take over your life...


Well beautiful, BREATHE.
You've landed in the right place.


Having clear boundaries that enable you to feel valued, appreciated & stable.

Feeling confident in your life roles, relaxed at home & balancing your time equally.

Having all the energy you need to thrive in each important area of your life.

Better relationships, partnerships & communication filled with acceptance, understanding & love. 

Believing in yourself, having a strong mindset of self-worth & self-love.  Knowing that you can handle whatever life challenges arise. 

It is possible for you to feel fantastic about yourself, have amazing relationships & be an inspiration at home and at work all at the same time.







My signature one-to-one coaching program is for woman who are ready to go from overwhelmed, confused & lost to full of life & energy, having a clear balanced plan, feeling valued & knowing their own worth and feeling inspired & confident in everyday life NOW!


It's time to realise your abilities, step into your potential & brilliance, intentionally create what you want life to be & to shine as your authentic beautiful self.


You are ready for an UPLIFT and to MEET YOUR MAGIC: that is within you.




A Complimentary Connection Call

The Connection Call provides both you & me an opportunity to connect so we can get to know each other and find out if we are a good match. Coaching is an investment in yourself and you want to make sure you have the right person supporting you.  I also want to make sure that I can be the right service to you and add the right value to your life. 



8 Powerful One to One Coaching Calls 

The Uplift Coaching Program includes 8 one-to-one powerful coaching calls with me to help you believe in your worth, balance & transform your life effortlessly. They are conducted via live zoom video call. The calls are structured as follows:

1 x 90 min "Life" Call: finding out where you are right now, exactly where you want to be & setting your goal.

7 x 60 min Coaching Calls: scheduled every week for 2 months.





















Unlimited Email & Message Support

I am all in with you on your transformational journey.  Even for all the overwhelmed "I don't feel good enough" moments.  You have unlimited follow up access to me via email, voice message, sms or a private Facebook group between sessions. Together we will unleash your true worth, create a solid, balanced inner & outer foundation and get you feeling damn good about yourself & life.  I've got you!

You have the power to change you!


This could be the most important 30mins of your life!









Here's how the journey together works...

Combining UPLIFT with My Unified Shifting Method

Podium with Hearts and Balls

"I will miss these sessions as they gave me clarity and helped me understand what was happening in real life. I am recognising emotions and dealing with them in a way that's turned my life around."

Client experience:

Shifting, Developing & Unifying these 4 key elements of your life to uplift & cultivate into a positive, balanced self-image. Continuously creating a positive mindset so you can replace the overthinking, the overdoing & the chaotic thoughts & actions with understanding, acceptance, self-love & balance.

At the end of our time together you'll feel...


Balancing work, life, your roles, and your well-being with ease and confidence. No longer feeling guilty for fulfilling your needs or investing in yourself.

"I found the coaching experience of extreme value...I was always amazed when I was enlightened by Rita's leading.  It's given me my power back and to know that it's okay to be who I am."

Client experience:


Finally feeling good about yourself. Who you see in the mirror you understand, appreciate & believe in. Your self-worth is strong and it shows! You now get: "you are deserving of every ounce of your own love". Your relationships & connections thrive from your new found sense of self.


You no longer second guess yourself or your abilities.  Knowing your power & your worth you take on each role with certainty & strength. Your choices are yours and you make them with ease.

Have Questions? I've Got Answers.

How do the Coaching Sessions work?

We meet 1:1 usually on a weekly basis (however fortnightly can be arranged if this works better for you) via live video zoom calls.

Do you offer payment plans?

I know that a coaching package is a significant investment. That's because it is a big, potentially life-shifting, uplifting & transformational experience. Because of this I absolutely offer payment plans to make my services as accessible as possible for you.

Let's chat about it during our connection call or you can contact me via email or DM and we'll figure it out together.

Can we meet in person?

Unfortunately due to my location I am unable to meet in person just now.  All sessions are online via live video call.

What are your Qualifications?

I am a certified Life Coach, Level II Reiki Practitioner, Certified Inner Child Healing Practitioner & hold a Mindfulness Diploma.

I'm not sure if coaching is right for me?

Obtaining coaching is a big step and an investment in yourself and your future. If you are unsure, I invite you to book a connection call with me. You will get a feel for what coaching can be like and can ask me any questions you may have about coaching. It's an obligation free chat where you have the opportunity to get to know me and see if we are a match together. There is no pressure.

Are my results guaranteed?

Deep down you probably know the answer to this question already. It is important to state that I can't guarantee results.  The testimonials you see here are from clients who truly leaned into doing the work, integrating the learnings and showed up for themselves to achieve their desires.

Coaching works when you put in the full commitment. If you want to succeed, this will be required of you too.  What you put into the experience is what you get out of it.

Haven't hit the sign up button yet but still reading ?

I understand. Investing in yourself can fill you with fear & doubt, especially when it's your first time. You're probably asking yourself "but what if it doesn't work or I don't change?"


Feeling like this is completely normal and I promise you are not alone. Our brain is designed to keep us safe, so when we get to our edge and are just about to step out of our comfort zones, these feelings tend to come up.


At this point I would like to invite you to trust and back yourself, you have come here and to this point for a reason.  I credit my own personal growth & success to the investments I made in myself and the coaches and mentors that supported me and still are to get to where I am today.


If you still have more questions or would like some more clarity before making the right decision for you, then I'd love to chat with you. Book yourself into a complimentary connection call with me if you are all in on uplifting your well-being, your connections & your life. 

Ready to make your Transformation?

The world is ready for you and all the magic you bring into it. Your time to shine is NOW.

You deserve this - you deserve to put yourself first and uncover the REAL you & calm the chaos! 

You deserve to commit to you & live your life with identity, wholesome connections, inner peace, balance & love.

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