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Energy Healing 

What is Energy Work?

Energy is everywhere, everything is made up of energy and that includes us. We have a physical body as well as an energetic body.

Energy Work is a powerful practice that involves working with the body's subtle energy systems to promote health & wellbeing. An energy practice can be described as; a coloration between Mind, Body & Energy for true healing & shifts.

Energy work promotes overall wellness, greater balance, inner peace & healing.

Pranic Healing 
Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilises 'prana' or 'ki' or 'life energy' to heal the whole physical body. Prana or ki is the life energy which keeps the body alive & healthy. When this important energy is out of balance or not working as it should we can find ourselves struggling with fatigue, physical & emotional problems and being more prone to sickness. Both the energy body & visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one affects the other. 
Pranic healing treatment involves reversing the energy pattern in order to rebalance & re-align our energy centres. Restoring the natural flow of life force energy.

Pranic Healing, specifically, can help you with physical problems such as aches & pains to chronic ailments you have. It can also help with emotional problems like stress, anxiety and even addictions.

Wether you're feeling pain, stress, tiredness, ready to kick that habit or just out of whack Pranic Healing can support you to feel rejuvenated & refreshed. Check out treatments available below:


Treatments Available:

Energy Rebalance -

45mins £35

During this treatment your energy centres are brought back into alignment & balance. Bringing vitality & harmony physically, energetically & emotionally. Perfect if you are experiencing burnout & fatigue.

(This is treatment is tailored completely to the specific needs of you & your energy body).

Specific Ailment Treatment - 60mins £40

This treatment is designed to heal any physical problems you have; any aches & pains, injuries, chronic health ailments & disorders. 

(Please let me know specifics in the consultation form below)

Pranic Psychotherapy -

60mins £50

Pranic Psychotherapy is a powerful tool in healing psychological ailments and can be used to compliment clinical psychology.

Pranic Psychotherapy can be used to treat & heal a range of issues, including:

  • Stress & Anxiety

  • Phobias/Fears

  • Traumas 

  • Depression

  • Obsessions & Compulsions 

  • Grief

  • Anger & Irritability 

  • Addictions; Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs

(This list is not exhaustive so if there was anything else you were looking to find support with please contact me and we can discuss possible treatments)

Please get in touch by filling out the form below & sharing any specific ailments you have or specific treatments you desire. Then book your time slot using the "BOOK NOW" button underneath. Double treatments are available. Let me know your wishes on the form below.

**Please note, all treatments can be done distantly, please select the box for an online treatment from consultation form**

Contact us

Is this your first Pranic Healing or Energy Treatment?
Do you have any medical conditions/ailments?
Do you suffer from hypertension/heart conditions?
Could you be pregnant?
Do you have epilepsy, diabetes?
Which treatment would you like? (Choose all that apply) Discounted price available for Pranic Psychotherapy + other treatment booking.
How would you like your treatment?
Distantly (online)
In person (if distance or available days allow. This may be different from what's available when scheduling. I will message you). Thank you for your understanding.

Please note all information given & received is 100% confidential & used only to provide you with the correct treatment for your own unique needs.

***Cancellations made 48 hours or less before an appointment will be charged in full.***

Treatment times are a guide & may vary depending on individual needs. If cancellation is unavoidable please contact me 07535650085. Many thanks.

What others are saying 

As a Level 2 Reiki Energy Practitioner and a Level 3 Pranic Energy Healer I have witnessed my own personal health & wellness transformations as a result of these powerful alternative treatments, including less anger & irritation (as a single mum this has been significantly impactful to our mother/daughter relationship) , reduced monthly cycle issues, removal of migraines/vertigo/fatigue & other imbalanced body symptoms.

Clients have also witnessed positive results in their energy levels, peak performance, back pain issues, being able to start running again, anxiety, mental health and overall general wellbeing & mood.

(some in as little as 1 session and a mixture of in person & distantly)

Read on for some lovely client messages;


How Distant Healing Works

You may very well be wandering "but how can distant energy treatment actually work??"


If energy work is new to you it can seem strange or  a bit 'out there' especially when I claim to be able to support you in healing & recovery and not even be in the same room 😅

But let me briefly explain...

As I mentioned above everything is made up of energy...quantum physics/mechanics has shown that what appears to be solid to our human senses (the 3D physical matter) is in fact 99.9999% empty space and in that empty space? ENERGY.

"The world we see isn't physical, its energetic"


So, what does that mean for distant/remote treatment..?

Quantum physics (the behaviour of particles at the subatomic level) shows that this energy is interconnected, meaning particles can communicate with each other instantly, regardless of the distance between them: "the practitioner's energy can be transferred to the recipient through a process known as 'quantum entanglement'". Where the energy of the recipient & the practitioner become entangled, allowing the energy to be transferred from one to the other, no matter the distance between them.

This is enhanced by using several other techniques in the process including;

Receptivity (openness), Clear Intentions, Visualisation, Channeling and also Use of Crystals

(This is a very brief overview for those looking for more in depth I encourage you to research quantum physics, the metaphysical or any spirituality modalities that peek your interest or check out the likes of Dr Joe Dispenza)

If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of distance energy healing, please reach out to me. I will be happy to discuss your healing needs and other questions you have. 

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