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Pink 3D Hearts

Inner Child Healing

If there is something you can change about your life what would it be?

  • How you feel inside about yourself?

  • Your relationships and how you manage them?

  • Learning to trust, not only others, but also yourself?

  • Express & manage your emotions with more ease?

  • Find some inner peace & stability within?

  • Be a more present parent or a better role model for your loved ones?

  • Set healthy boundaries for yourself?

  • Feel truly safe?

  • Release old wounds, pain & trauma?

What is your Inner Child...

Our inner child is a part of our personality that holds memories, emotions, unmet needs, pains, hurts & experiences from our childhood. These experiences may have been too much for us to bear, at the time, so we created coping mechanisms to better serve us getting our needs met as children.

Many of us have encountered experiences during childhood that we have carried into adulthood. Experiences that have had a deep psychological impact to our minds, bodies & behaviours. These can include trauma, abuse, rejection, humiliation, neglect: anything that has impacted the way we feel about ourselves, the world around us and how we are able to manage & cope throughout life.

And as such we may carry a wounded inner child within from emotional & mental wounds. We may experience mental health issues, anxiety, have trust issues or we may be confused or unaware as to why we react, behave & show up in certain ways. Ways that cause us further conflict, pain & confusion.

In order to heal these inner scars our wounded inner child needs to be nurtured & reparented to release & be free of past traumatic events. I have a wounded inner child?

Let's see. Do you...

  1. Have low self-esteem or low self-image?

  2. Fear abandonment?

  3. Have real issues with trust?

  4. Express & manage your emotions with difficulty?

  5. Shut yourself off or down in fear of being hurt or ridiculed?

  6. Have great difficulty saying No to others?

  7. Are you unable to set clear boundaries?



Have you ever questioned yourself as to why you respond in a certain manner? In a way that doesn't quite make sense to you and that no matter how many times you tell yourself "It's not what I want" it keeps occurring?

When we mask pain & suffering we cannot heal and the reality is it often resurfaces in our adult life: how we communicate, our relationships & how we feel and act out. This is exactly what inner child healing can help remove from your life. It can take away the burden of not understanding who you truly are, release the shame, guilt & pain you carry & assist in creating new empowering ways to meet your needs.

But don't's not all doom & gloom

There is also the beautiful lighter side of inner child work. Connecting to the playful, fun, curious, excited parts of who we are. Finding our joy in life again and reconnecting with things that make us happy. Children are an inspiration and we too can be inspired by our own inner being.

"I've learned to trust myself more & start to understand my past without letting it trigger me" - (client feedback)

"I am less irritable & more open to moving in a more positive direction. Rita was a great communicator & ensured everything went smoothly. A worthwhile investment in yourself" - (client feedback)

Have any of these signs helped you recognise whether you inner child is wounded or not? 

How Does It Work?

  • The workshop consists of 6 one-to-one sessions via online zoom calls:

Session 1 = 2 hrs (approx)

Session 2 = 1 hr 

Session 3 = 1.5 hrs

Session 4 = 1 hr

Session 5 = 1 hr

Session 6 = 1.5 hrs

Bonus Reiki Energy cleansing Session 

  • Each session consists of teachings, activities & meditations nurtured in a safe space to develop a connection with your inner child.

  • I am available throughout our time working together via email & messaging if you need any further support throughout. You are not alone on this journey of healing & self-discovery.

  • Our first initial contact session is free as we get to know each other & make sure we are right to work together (this call is usually about 30mins)

  • I am a certified Inner Child Practitioner & hold my certification with the Inner Council.

  • Monthly payment plans are available. Contact me for more info.

Pricing: £333

If you want to improve your present & your future it helps to deal with what happened in your past & connect with your core essence. Book your free connection call now, using the button below, to start your journey to feeling safe, authentic, seen, valued & you.

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