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"A Kinder Reality"

Listening to a Tony Robbins podcast, recently, I heard Sage Robbins use the description:

"A Kinder Reality"

This phrase instantly jumped out at me & really spoke to me.

Yes, this is exactly what I now experience 'a kinder reality' - through my process & development of self-awareness & conscious living.

What is conscious living..?

Conscious living is being deliberate with our thoughts, words & actions. It's being intentional about our choices & decisions. Doing things that align with how we want our life to be & that make us feel positive. It's being aware of our habits and changing them if they are not best serving us and our environment.

But how do I experience a kinder reality while managing mental health and the challenges this can bring...

Because I get to CHOOSE how I feel in each moment (now don't get me wrong this hasn't been an instant change it took many years to shift and be at a place where I could be accepting & loving myself, for the most part).

And even then and still now deep trauma can impact me in different moments -

However the difference is I now know I am going to be OK, I can experience these emotions & survive them and the stories of how they came to be no longer define me.

Sometimes we can also become so focused on a false sense of reality that we believe growth & development will bring us...a false sense of what's to come...

'complete bliss, joyfulness always, constant happiness - no negativity'

In the beginning this is exactly what I focused on & expected to achieve. I was all consumed by it and felt more deflated, frustrated & exhausted when I was unable to achieve this unrealistic goal.

Of course all these wonderful feelings & experiences are there to be had and the more we CHOOSE them the more they will be present but reality & life still come with pain, hurt & trauma - it will always be around.

My reality is kinder because I accept that all the other yucky, shadowy, dark stuff comes as part of the package - wether I like it or not - and I am now certain in my capability to get through whatever comes up.

The unexpected outcome of this is how these parts, that previously made me despise my reality, actually assist me to GROW & EVOLVE - productively impacting my ability to see & feel life through a softer kinder lens.

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