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Keep On Keeping On

Autumn, my favourite season & time of year...

The early dark nights, the hot chocolates after crisp blustery walks, time to dig the slipper socks out, the scarves & wooly jumpers...I Love It!

It's a time for things to fall & shed as their cycle has ended. There is no resistance just a natural transition of colour & of life as it has been.

Just like fall life goes through these same cycles...I heard its every 7 years that our bodies go through major up cycling (we regenerate & create new pathways) in a nutshell we change every 7 years and what was once a part of us may no longer be of significance.

But do we have to wait for these 7 yearly cycles to change the things we want?

Absolutely not...we can shed, purge & replace anytime we feel the need to. We can develop the ability to change as & when we need, when we are called to or when it just feels right too.

Sometimes these changes can feel like they come out of nowhere, suddenly & unexpectedly and other times we intuitively begin the process. I have recently found myself in one of these personal refresh cycles where I am re-evaluating major parts of my life - How I am spending my spare time? What information am I feeding myself with & is it still relevant to me? How do I want to finish the end of my year? And dropping all that I don't need (materialistic & personal).

So, how can we prepare ourselves for any re-establishments we are ready for (knowingly or unknowingly)?

Be Open to It

Sounds a bit obvious but we must be open to change. We cannot come from a closed off space otherwise we will feel extra resistance which can lead to feeling drained and unclear. When it comes, which it always does, welcome it with open arms. It's nothing to be afraid of. In fact it can be exciting with the new opportunities & possibilities that surface.

Be In Charge of Your Own

Change can be confusing & messy it isn't always a plain sailing process so it's important to come from a place of certainty within yourself. Know your own limits & know that you are in charge of how any change impacts you. Wether it's planned or unplanned change you are still in charge of your actions, reactions & mindset.

Find Your Why

If it is change you seek personally then finding out exactly why you want it will help you navigate it & approach it with clarity & confidence.

Celebrate Successes (Big & Small)

When we can find the success in each task or each moment we increase our motivation & drive to keep on keeping on which improves our self-confidence and our self-belief.

Once a cycle of change has started it can sometimes seem stagnant & like nothing else is happening for us but when we look at nature the renewal, after the shedding (autumn), doesn't start till spring...6 months away.

The same can be said for us. Sometimes when things fall away, are released or we shed a layer that's no longer fitting there is a waiting period for the newness and this can feel frustrating, like we haven't succeeded, that we're stuck or have missed something along the way...

But what we sometimes need is the time to adjust to what's to come & to have genuine space & time to heal, grow & be ready for the upgrade.

Seeing renewal, change or alternatives for what they are...a natural cycle of life can lessen the resistance against it & the confusion & fear around it. Don't hold off or shut down when change comes round as it will only keep coming, instead use it to discover & create something fresh.

To keeping on keeping on.

Ps. Use my Intentions Blueprint tool below to help you re-evaluate, shed & drop whatever you no longer need to finish the year strong. It's never too late to start any process of change. I recently heard from someone that it's the ending of things we remember most (the end of a holiday, a trip, a movie) so why not end this year on a high note and have the memories of you making steps & taking charge.

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