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My Mind Runs the Show: 7 Ways to Take Charge of it Forever

Has your whole world been overshadowed by the intense & intrusive beliefs & thoughts that you feel you have no control over? Are you frustrated, discouraged & discontent every time you are drawn into a seemingly never ending cycle of mind chaos.

I felt the same until I learned, developed and utilised these 7 ways to overcome these negative patterns.

1. Broaden Your Perspective

Struggling with a mind that has taken control we can experience All or Nothing thinking or Black & White thinking - also known as Splitting.

When we live from this space we are unable to see other points of view, opinions or perspective. Which keeps us stuck in our own cycle of thinking.

What can help:

Developing our communication skills - example: listening without the intent to reply. This expands our understanding, broadens our insight & we are less likely to miscommunicate.

2. Quality Rest

Sleep disturbances or Insomnia have been connected with poor mental health. Highlighted in a review “...insomnia can interfere with emotional regulation & cause emotional dysregulation”

Rest is one of our body’s natural defenses. Managing sleep & creating healthy sleep practices can help relieve symptoms & support our day to day emotions.

What can help:

Create a routine bedtime in a relaxing environment as this can improve your mental & emotional health. Limit mobile use before bed or read to help relax the mind.

3. You are Not Alone

When we live in our minds it can be easy to develop feelings of isolation & loneliness. We may feel people don’t “get it” or don’t understand.

It may be comforting to know that most of us suffer from some form of mental health illness or disorder in our life, more than 50% according to the CDC.

What can help:

Find support for your feelings. You are not alone. I joined a group related to my own story and from it have formed new supportive relationships.

4. Set a Time & Place

Living with mental health can be exhausting and draining as emotions can unexpectedly come & go, impacting our ability to function & be present.

When it is unsuitable to release these strong emotions you can secure them in a safe place in your mind, for example: a chest.

What can help:

Follow this up by creating a safe consistent space and time, each day where you can then process, be & release the emotions that you have sheltered.

5. Taking Time to Think

When our mind is in charge we can be reactive & impulsive with our emotions & actions and we can find ourselves dealing with harsh consequences.

This can fuel an already fragile sense of self. By understanding our triggers & removing them, as best we can can limit impulsive outbursts.

What can help:

Taking time to learn to live presently can teach us to not react instantly in the moment. Developing the skill of waiting till you're calm before making decisions.

6. Make Friends with Yourself…

The way we view or talk to ourselves has the biggest impact on our mental health. It impacts our self-esteem & how we show up in the world.

By showing kindness & compassion to yourself & building positive empowering beliefs & self-talk will shift your reality. Make friends with who you are.

What can help:

Question your thoughts & beliefs - you can work with someone to help you.

Where have they originated? Are they relevant in your life NOW?

7. Your Value

When our mind runs the show we can find a decrease in doing things we enjoy. We can feel like life has no meaning.

Reconnecting with who you are at a core level increases positive emotions and feelings of contentment, purpose & fulfillment. It also releases positive chemicals such as dopamine.

What can help:

Discover what it is that lights you up and brings you happiness.

What are you great at? What do you want to learn? What inspires you?

Imagine being in charge:

Imagine living life in charge of how you feel and show up?

Imagine being the lead with your emotions or how they impact you?

Imagine running your own mindset show?

By applying these steps to your life and developing them to suit your needs you can gain the ability & capability to manage your mind more effectively & purposefully.

Resulting in more confidence in yourself, better relationships, feeling more relaxed, a greater sense of self and increased overall happiness.

No longer a bystander but fully commanding your show (your life) ;).

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