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It's a numbers game

Have you ever been overrun by numbers...

No not tax, accounting, bookkeeping or banking...

I'm talking about Numerology: a fascinating concept that has been around for thousands of years.

It is, simply put: "the study of numbers in your life" is said these numbers hold valuable information & "can be used to understand ourselves & the world as individuals."

In the last 2 weeks I have lost count how many times I have looked at my phone to be wowed by the same number sequences 2's & 1's but mostly 2's (literally 3-5 times daily): 222, 2222, even up to 222222, 111, 1111.

(every now & then I would garb a few screenshots of my numbers - as I was sharing with a friend)

Even moment by moment as I sift through deleting emails & messages its the same numbers only in different places - seems like someone or something is trying to tell me something.

The last time I remember this happening was about 2 years ago and the numbers consisted of 545 (in different sequences).

While at the gym last week listening to a Jay Shetty podcast, pulling on the rowing machine I looked up & 2 jumped out at me from every angle:

2mins 22secs, 22calories, 2 something was my stroke rate, even the name of the machine had a 2 in it (concept2).

"Okay, Okay I hear ya" I said to myself laughing - It couldn't be anymore obvious that there is a message I'm supposed to hear & someone or something wants to be heard & drive it home.

After my workout I search online again to be reminded what meaning these numbers hold:

Patience, Keep going, You're on the right track, Balance, Trust Yourself

It's funny because (if you've read my previous posts) I've been writing about balance & patience in other aspects of my life.

(a few more signs as the days have went on)

Isn't it amazing when we open ourselves up to our awareness and to the messages & synchronicities of life what we can hear, understand & what can occur.

I'm also noticing consistent double numbers, a mix of 1010, 2020, 1515 (being the latest).

I've been needing to hear these messages as I've been questioning myself lately "am I gonna achieve my goals, I can't stop working or i'll miss my chance, is it going to work out for me?"

You may not believe in the power of numbers and that's okay...but how can I ignore this, I just can't. It couldn't be anymore obvious - these numbers are pretty much slapping me in the face.

As my numbers game continues it affirms to me there are no coincidences, that everything aligns itself for what you need & that there is something more than the physical plane we find ourselves in.

It fills me with a sense of trust, clarity, knowing, eagerness & excitement for what's to come.

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