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I love hearing the impact & changes coaching has made to others & I love to share them so you too can see the power of taking charge of your own life.


Testimonials from previous clients:


  • "I will miss these sessions as they gave me clarity and helped me understand what was happening in real life. I am recognising emotions and dealing with them in a way that's turned my life around."

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  • "Rita is a very easy to talk to and caring person who was genuinely interested in helping me achieve my goal."

  • "...she is very empathetic and a good listener."

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  • "Rita was very patient...making me comfortable to open up to her."

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  • "I found the coaching experience of extreme value...I was always amazed when I was enlightened by Rita's leading.  It's given me my power back and to know that it's okay to be who I am."

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  • "You provide a safe space for me...people are picking up on a new energy."


  • "It's amazing - I feel a lot happier in don't even notice the changes until it's happening."

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  • "10 out of 10, great course with a fantastic patient coach. Highly recommend Rita & the inner Child Work, a worthwhile investment in yourself" (25/3/24)

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